
Click the badges below to learn more about each challenge. You will earn 100 points and 3 contact hours for each monthly challenge you complete. Challenges do not have to be completed in the month they are released, but you can earn an on-time bonus if you do!

**Reminder – All challenges must be submitted by May 1, 2022 to count for this year’s game.

2021-22 Challenges

December 2021: Due by January 8  for on time bonus

Digital Summit 1: Earn up to 3 times! Digital Summit 2: Earn up to 3 times!

2021-22 Portrait of a Buck Monthly Challenges

January-May 2022.  

You may complete 2 badges each month for the on time bonus.  On time bonus is awarded if badges are completed by the last day of the month (February 28, March 31, April 30, May 15). 

Stewardship Socially Aware
Respect Perseverance
Integrity Critical Thinker
Communicator Collaborator